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1 March 2008 The Status of Science Safety in Kentucky Secondary Schools
Jack Gerlovich, Dennis McElroy, Rahul Parsa, Karen Kidwell
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Our study sought to answer two questions: what is the status of safety in Kentucky school science programs, and can pragmatic tools be developed to address identified science safety needs? Between the spring of 2003 and the fall of 2004, state agency representatives worked with science safety researchers to assess the status of science safety in Kentucky schools and then create the Total Science Safety System CD-Kentucky Edition that contained all applicable federal and state laws, codes, and professional standards. In addition the CD included safety audits, chemical databases, safety videos, and strategic weblinks. This report concentrates on findings about science laboratory safety at the secondary level gathered from teacher surveys representing approximately 54 Kentucky school districts. Among the most significant findings was that teachers from the participating schools did not know or consistently observe many standard safety procedures. Furthermore, most participating science teachers generally were not aware of applicable science safety laws, codes, and standards.

Jack Gerlovich, Dennis McElroy, Rahul Parsa, and Karen Kidwell "The Status of Science Safety in Kentucky Secondary Schools," Journal of the Kentucky Academy of Science 69(1), 19-28, (1 March 2008).[19:TSOSSI]2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 March 2008
Science safety
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